Hey squad,
We all love Lore. It's what makes the world interesting! Let's talk about the universe of Snapshots and how the lore of Save the Verse and Battle Royale connect...
The universe of Snapshots takes place within the Rift Nebula, a small pocket of the universe home to many rich resources -- most notably, Rift Energy, known for its transformative property to bend the world around it.
The Rift Nebula.
Many travellers come to this system in search of Rift Energy as it is a powerful source of renewable energy, emanating from the natural air of the many locations within the nebula. As such, many civilisations have thrived over thousands of years.
The most notable location in the nebula is a celestial body known most simply as The Island. Home to the most powerful energy source of all, many have tried - and failed - to harvest it, resulting in a thriving ecosystem forming over millennia.
The Island is home to the Genesis Core - an energy source of immense power that holds The Island together and holds boundless Rift Energy and features regenerative properties.
The Genesis Core in Battle Royale Season 8.
Many have come and tried to exploit the Core, but it was sentient and aware, so it formed a time loop contained within a lethal Storm to prevent dangerous actors from reaching it.
The Storm.
Many reach The Island unaware of the Loop, and become trapped, fighting day-by-day with the belief that, if they are the last standing, they will be able to take The Island's resources for themselves.
Over the centuries of fighting, a foundation has been established, with some choosing to simply live on The Island, some setting up businesses, and some exploiting The Island's resources to create new products -- such as Slap Juice.
For a time, The Island was under the control of a mysterious organisation known as The Order...
Jones, an Agent of The Order.
The Order supplied the resources for battle on the surface whilst pulling the strings from their galactic bases.
Item Orbs, Caches, and the Battle Bus - all products of The Order.
In Battle Royale Season 4, the Loopers held an uprising and went to war with The Order.. and emerged victorious, destroying The Order for good.
The Order's final base of operations is destroyed.
The Island was free... but unprotected.
Jones looks over the wreckage of the final battle between Order and Loopers.
This set the stage for The Godmaker to enter and put his plan into action to end the Loop forever... by destroying it, and everyone within it.
The Godmaker.
The Godmaker first opened portals to a corruptive dimension known as The Hallow, which seeped through the seams of The Island and weakened it.
The Hallow in Battle Royale Season 7.
The Godmaker built a doomsday device which would use Rift Energy to detonate the Genesis Core, blowing up the weakened Island in Battle Royale Season 7.
The Godmaker's Doomsday Device.
The Godmaker's plan was a success and The Island was Split -- however, brave Looper Torin set off into the Genesis Core to pull it back together..
Torin looks over a destabilised Genesis Core.
And other Loopers, including defected Order Agent Jones, kick-started the Loop to reforge The Island.
The Genesis Core reforges the Island.
The Island's matter was reformed and re-distributed in space, resulting in a brand new Island being formed..
Lute Lake, a location in Battle Royale Venture 2.
..but also the invasive, destructive Hallow being scattered throughout the nebula. Torin will team up with the Player in Save the Verse to fight the Hallow as they scavenge the loot of several worlds within the nebula.
Brimstone Fortress, a Zone in Save the Verse.
Elsewhere, the fight continues on a brand new Island in Battle Royale Venture 2 - Season 1.
Dusted Depot, a location in Battle Royale Venture 2.
Many have tried to take The Island's power for themselves.. but to date, none have truly lasted forever. Will you be the first? Or will you join the fight to protect it? The choice is yours.
The Titan in Battle Royale Season 6.
See you on the Battle Bus!