The Island is no more. But the world of Snapshots remains ever-changing. Here's the map change recap for Season 8.
V8.00 [FEBRUARY 2]
The Island has been destroyed. All that remains are fragments.
Collision Core
The Genesis Core sits, exposed, amongst the ruins of Lush Lake and the Bashed Blimp.
Spawn Island, Split
Spawn Island has been ripped into two chunks! The Battle Bus is equipped with new technology to blast off into outer space.
Blossom Blight
Blossom Bluffs survived the explosion relatively unharmed. The power of Zen, maybe?
Battle Barn Fragment
The Battle Barn also survives, sitting alone on its own fragment.
Rainy Ridge Fragment
Rainy Ridge also survived the blast.. mostly. The Dusty Diner has certainly seen better days.
Callback Castle
The Genesis Core being exposed has resulted in long-lost locations returning.. but they didn't come out unharmed. Crystal Castle has returned!
Split Stacks
The Slanty Stacks can survive anything, even the total obliteration of their homeland.
Classy Crops Fragment
Classy Crops was not so lucky. Only one corn field and the Condos sign remain.
Combine Corner Fragment
Combine Corner suffers a similar fate, with only the river station surviving.
Fractured Fjord
The remains of the iceberg have grouped together, including Festive Fjord, the Frostfest Cabin, and Coldside Castles.
Wrecked Woods
Flora Forest has certainly seen better days; now ring-shaped and losing its iconic Shield Mushrooms.
Diced Diners
More returning locations have grouped together; the Pizza Pit from Neo Timber, and the original Station 99 make up Diced Diners.
Rocky Road Fragments
Rocky Road is split across multiple fragments. The Gas Station, PC Café, Honey Restaurant, and corrupted Purple Steel Bridge can be found amongst the fragments.
Caddy Fragment
The Garden Centre from the long-lost Caddy Course can be found on an isolated fragment.
Western Fragment
The Jail from the long-lost Western Wilds can be found on an isolated fragment.
The Divided
Fortlite's "The Division" did not survive the explosion; only Skye's room, one antenna monitoring station, and scattered debris from the outer walls remain.
More Fragments I
The Shifty Shore watch tower, an Underground faction drill, the café from Gnomey Grove, and Jones' crashed Battle Bus can also be found amongst the Island chunks.
More Fragments II
More of the iceberg survived, along with disconnected roads. The Temperate Shack remains in-tact.
Timber Torn
The northern half of X Royale's Timber Town has joined the Island as a new fragment. Branded Balloons float around the fragment.
Reboot Vans
Used by the Islanders to survive the explosion, the Reboot Vans are now scattered across the Island Fragments. They can be used to revive the fallen.
Familiar Fault
Fractured chunks of Lucky's Royale's Familiar Factory has joined the Island as a new fragment.
LUNAR LEGENDS 2023 [FEB 21 - 25]
Lunar Shrines
Jones has brought the Lunar Shrines back to fortify the Island!
Severed Shrine
The mysterious tropical monument from Ultra Royale - Colossus has joined the Island as a new fragment. Don't forget to pay tribute.
Gapwood Gorge
The western half of Arius' Greenwood Gorge has joined the Island as a new fragment. Become one with nature in this iconic location.
Harvey's House
This iconic house originally hails from the Fortnite Chapter 3 island but has joined the Island as a new fragment.
Starfall Smash
Fragments of an iconic Starfall POI have joined the Island.
Temple Tearaway
Fragments of a Project Novus POI have joined the Island, bringing an otherworldly weapon with them.
The Island has been rebooted, and a new world its reforging. But for now, tune into The End to see the conclusion of Snapshots Venture 1. See you on the Battle Bus soon!